Institute for Spiritual Development

Sunday Service 10:30 AM
Institute for Spiritual Development
A Mystical Church & Holistic Center
Welcome to a new and exciting future at the ISD.
If this is your first time visiting us, you are in for some special surprises as you are encouraged to partake of the many tools that can assist you on your life's path.
To live in health, happiness and prosperity is everyone's birthright, whether we choose to follow a certain path is our individual choice. No dogma or belief system is imposed upon anyone.
We are all encouraged to find our own path, with the love and support of like-minded people who approach the search for knowledge and understanding with an open and loving mind, always ready to adapt to change.
We hope you will join us and begin to see the world as beautiful as it really is, and see that beauty in your fellow man regardless of his/her choices...
The Institute for Spiritual Development, 15 Sparta Ave, Sparta Township, NJ USA * Phone: 973-551-5300 * email: